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Forgive, and Enjoy the Peace of God

One of the greatest destroyers of peace in our hearts is unforgiveness. If there is anyone, dead or alive, whom you haven't forgiven, I beg you to begin the process of forgiving that person today.

Unforgiveness harms our health, our human relationships, and our relationship with God. As one continues to dwell on unforgiveness, resentment can progress to anger, to bitterness, to hatred, even to a spirit of murder. This inner turmoil is stress. Stress is a killer that triggers heart attacks and strokes. Living with a bitter person is not pleasant. And the God who is love (1 John 4:8,16) is deeply grieved by unforgiving hearts. Jesus on His cross washed away by His blood unforgiveness and all other sins of Hia followers. Yet any unforgiving heart opens the door to mental torment (Matthew 18:21-35). Examine yourself and guard your heart every day (Proverbs 4:23).                                                                                                         

Call upon the Lord for His help. "Lord Jesus, with your help, I forgive Joe for ...." Jesus is The Great Forgiver. When Jesus was crucified, He prayed, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34 KJV).  "Death and life are in the power of the tongue" (Proverbs 18:21 KJV), so speak your forgiveness at least twice a day. Pray for blessings and eternal life for offenders who are still alive (Matthew 5:44). Keep on speaking your forgiveness in this way until you have complete peace in your heart every time you think of that person who hurt you. Speaking your forgiveness in person or by phone may be the quickest way to peace.

Start that forgiving process now. Receiving Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, turning away from your sins with His help, and forgiving everyone who has offended you, leads you into the fullness of peace that only God can give (John 14:27, Philippians 4:6-7).