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Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!
(Psalm 150:6 NKJV).


          If a person could only read two Christian books in a lifetime, I would suggest they be the Bible and A Place in the Son. Why? The Bible contains everything needed for a successful life, and A Place in the Son provides practical guidance for living that life. This epic work is a distillation of wisdom from a life well lived for God. Clarence Ogle, a retired certified public accountant, is a tireless prayer warrior and faithful prison minister. He is one of the finest Christian men I’ve met in decades of ministry. Your life will be richer from reading, and living in, your Place in the Son.

M. Barnett “Barney” Field
El Paso for Jesus
Executive Director/Servant

          Clarence Ogle’s book, A Place in the Son, is full of grace and truth. Clarence is an elder in my church whose life and faith have been grounded in the Son of God, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is an easy read that provides both teacher and student of the Word a tool that facilitates impartation and comprehension of divine principles and absolutes of righteousness. To build one’s life on God’s Word infuses critically needed stability in a rapidly changing, technologically advanced society. His passion is to see all men come to the knowledge of God’s truth and receive eternal life. He is regularly seen in the prison, sharing God’s unconditional love where it is most needed. His humility is demonstrated through faithful church attendance and submission to accountability and connection to my pastorate as an African-American pastor.

Bishop Richard L. Johnson
Founder and Senior Pastor
Destiny Family Christian Center
El Paso, Texas